The Lookout Archive Wiki

This article, Pyrkosia, is a Role-Play article.

This article, Pyrkosia, is a Role-Play article.

Pyrkosia was the kingdom of the Pyrkosians.  It was home to many wealthy merchants, healers, innkeepers, warriors, and noblemen.  It was one of the most advanced and rich civilizations in the Xeran Realm.  Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the Flame Orcs.  The ruins of Pyrkosia can still be seen today though. 

What it was like[]

Pyrkosia had apartment complexes built into caves and they had submarines that could explore volcanoes.   They mined volcanoes and used magma to fuel their aircrafts.  They had advanced medicine and could live long lifespans of 500 years.  Their soldiers were genetically engineered and had robotic brains, designed solely to obey orders and inforce the law on those who didn't obey it.  Soldiers guarded the gates of the cities and could be seen in places such as shopping malls and amusement parks, just to keep people safe.  Soldiers generally used magic in battle and were equipped with high tech staffs which shot lazers.  They also wore armor and helmets.

Pyrkosian citizens usually lived in the apartment complexes built into caves but the rich ones who were noblemen and merchants, lived in mansions built from magma rock.  Apartment complexes had elevators and lobbies and it was the job of a robot to give out the morning papers and incinerate trash.

Cities had many restaurants.  A Pyrkosian restaurant served Pyrkosian food like roasted chinzek.  Chinzeks were a flightless bird that Pyrkosians ate, they usually served them grilled and with sweet Chinzek eggs on top.  Chinzek eggs were covered in a sweet jelly made from Zusammon, a type of fruit.  Pyrkosians also ate nincobu, a type of flying fish which lived in the air instead of in water.  There was a type of fish in the Xeran Realm which lived in lava and could spew fire, they called these magma trouts.  Magma trouts were served as a delicacy at restaurants and topped off with a spicy, pepper sauce made from a type of herb growing near volcanoes.  Pyrkosians relied on their ability of flight and levitation to get to places, they also used magic in their every day jobs.

